Clothing box with frame
A very light and compact fabric box with an inner frame that keeps the box appearance in shape and also makes it stronger. Fabric clothing box can hold a significant load of your clothes and stuffs, based on its size. Modern homes need boxes instead of wraps that have good capacity and are able to compact clothes and stuffs.
Clothing box sizes
Boxes are produced in five different sizes that each product's size is introduced with its code:
Height*Length*Wide Code
Zero size 20*30*18 415
Half size 20*37*20 422
First size 40*45*28 392
Second size 40*65*33 408
Third size 64*74*40 378
- A great substitution for wraps and old boxes
- Keeping Clothes (in all sizes)
- Keeping cosmetics, stationery stuff, sewing stuff and … (in small sizes)
- Keeping pillows, blankets and small mattresses (in large sizes)
- Having frames for beauty and prevention of deforming
- Light and compact
- Machine washable
- Resistant to creases, scratches, destruction, color change and insects
Other information
- Box's fabric: three-layer laminated oilcloth
- Frame's material: PVC
- Connecting frames' material: high-quality plastic
- How to use: First, connect all frames based on the box size. Then, put the frame in the box.
Attention: after fastening the zip, if the box's shape was not proper, maybe the frames are not connected properly or it is in the box in the wrong direction.
- Package's content:
= Cloth clothing box
= 8 PVC connecting frames
= 4 small frames
= 4 medium frames
= 4 large frames
Pictures of Clothing Box with Frame in different sizes
Your Demands
Based on customer’s view some features are added to Hometext’s products gradually.
One of these demands is the possibility of naming the clothing boxes that are added to products.
Also, for product’s symmetry and visual beauty, color, connectors and PVC pipes material has been improved.