Hometex Product Catalog 2020

Hometex Product Catalog 2020
Hometex has revealed its new products, including organisers and home textiles in new designs and colors on the International Home Appliances Exhibition.The new organisers and home textiles are available in 14 different designs and colors. Some of the designs are named Tartan, Golzir, Hendesi, Termeh and Shekoofeh. Our new colors can be found as white, cream, pink orange, light purple, grey, light blue green, brown and navy blue. Also, there are some organisers with whole new styles made with both different designs and color. You can see the PDF file of our catalog by clicking the link below or you can see the Hometex product catalog video on Youtube.
Hometex Product Catalog 2020 Video
Hometex; your mind’s organiser
Nowadays we live in a world, confronted with a huge amount of data and information every single day. The internet, friends, social media, news, advertisements and all the advantages of this digital world are constantly sharing different data to us, in ways that we do not notice them but will react to them unconsciously. The data, which is stored in our minds, will disorganize the thoughts and ideas and leads to emotional changes, like the ones that we do not enjoy our lives or do not feel to be happy. The key is to have an organized mind. In The Organized mind, Daniel J. Levitin writes, “The most fundamental principle of the organized mind, the one most critical to keeping us from forgetting or losing things, is to shift the burden of organizing from our brains to the external world.”. We can enjoy every single minute of our lives by making ourselves an organized mind with the help of an organized external World.
Manufacturing Organisers and Home Textiles